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While it may seem that Jonathan Anderson is just starting out on his musical journey, the truth is, he’s been at it for many years. In 2002 his family decided to pull up their roots in the US and go to Mexico and Guatemala. Through their travels and their experiences, they began a non-profit organization that brought hymns and classical music to poor families who otherwise would never have the chance to learn stringed instruments. (Symphonies of Hope)
Jonathan became the first violinist in the organization and one of their top teachers. He soon realized that he wanted to give others the opportunity to enjoy violin music with him and created his YouTube Channel, “The Tiny Violinist.”
 He is constantly encouraged and inspired to keep growing his audience with every comment and word of appreciation he receives from his fans.  “It may be tiny now, but one day, it’ll get to where I want it to be,” is something that Jonathan often tells himself about his channel.

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